A few days before Christmas, Dadoo asked if we are not going to put up the Christmas tree. Aggie said "no". Dadoo went up the stairs, to the small bedroom and into the wardrobe where the artificial Christmas tree was being stored (it was a silver Christmas tree that was bought a few years before to replace the snow tree). He brought the artificial Christmas tree down the stairs on his own and assembled it. Once the tree was up, he then went back up the stairs and got the silver Christmas decorations that were bought for the tree. He brought the decorations down the stairs into the living room and removed each decoration one at a time from the box and place them on the tree. Aggie sat and watched him. She was not pleased! She said that as there was a death in the family we should not have a Christmas tree.
All the grandchildren who were there at the time watched Dadoo putting up the tree with the decorations by himself. Aggie said something like, "we can do without Christmas and a Christmas tree for one year." Dadoo turned to her and said something like, "Christmas is for my grand-children.I will always put up a Christmas tree for my grand-children." After he had finished decorating the Christmas tree, he went and got all the Christmas cards that had been received that year and placed them under the tree. On Christmas morning, there were some gifts for the grandchildren under the tree.
That Christmas day was not as festive as previous Christmas days. The extended family came over for a meal and the children played as usual.

What we, the grandchildren, did not know was that the Christmas of 1973 was to be Dadoo's last Christmas with us. He died less than two months later. We were indeed too young at the time to realize how blessed we all were to have a grandfather with such an open mind, who was very thoughtful and loved all his grandchildren. He wanted his grandchildren to enjoy Christmas even though he was still in mourning for his brother.
Ever since the Christmas of 1973 I have had a new respect and fondness for the concept of a Christmas tree. Every Canadian Christmas,

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