Easter is the oldest and most important Christian festival and celebrates the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. His followers believe Jesus rose again on the third day after his death by crucifixion some time in the period AD 27 to 33. In the Roman Catholic Church, Easter is actually an eight-day feast called the Octave of Easter.

Easter ususally comes in the month of April and is known as the "moveable feast" because the date is fixed according to the moon - a bit like Hindu festivals. Easter is the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the Spring Equinox (21 March) the Paschal full moon. Easter starts with Palm Sunday which is the sixth and last Sunday of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week.
The Friday before Easter Sunday is known as Good Friday. On this day Jesus was arrested and tried at a mock trial. He was then handed over to the Roman soldiers who flogged him with whips and a crown of long sharp thorns was thrust upon his head. He was forced to carry his cross and was nailed to the cross. Two other criminals were crucified with him and their two crosses were on erected on either side of him. The sign above Jesus read "King of the Jews".

Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus at Calvary. Special prayer services are often held on this day with readings from the Gospel giving accounts of the events leading up to the crucifixion. Good Friday is a public holiday in much of the UK.

Traditionally Hot Cross Buns are eaten on Good Friday. On Easter day boiled eggs are traditionally served for breakfast then Easter cards and gifts may be exchanged. Roast lamb is the traditional meat for Easter day and Simnel cake is baked for tea.

Easter Monday is celebrated as a holiday when fun and activities take place. Egg rolling competitions are very popular in England as an Easter Monday sport. Two other symbols associated with Easter are the Easter egg and the Easter bunny. According to age-old beliefs, eggs are considered to be the origin of life. The hare is the symbol of fertility.

The tradition of painting Easter eggs in bright colours goes back hundreds of years. On Easter Sunday parents hide the painted Easter eggs, chocolate eggs and bunnies and other sweets in their gardens or apartments for the children to hunt and find.
Quando corpus morietur fac ut animae donetur Paradisi gloria~When my body dies let my soul be granted the glory of Paradise.
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