Sunday 24 June 2007


Many congratulations and best wishes to Sattee and Vic who are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary today. Have a wonderful day.

Coral or jade are the traditional gifts for a 35th wedding anniversary.

Confucius said that jade was revered for its uniquely excellent properties and thus the stone came to be equated with those qualities desired in man. Jade, the “fairest of stones”, was said to embody five virtues; Benevolence is typified by its luster that is bright and warm; integrity by its translucency; wisdom by its sonorous ring when struck; courage by its hardness; and, steadfastness by its durability.

Jade has always been viewed by the Chinese as a spiritual and protective material. Women in China have always believed that to wear Jade jewelry, which touched ones skin, was good luck and Jade was categorized as the food of the Gods. It was even believed that the ingestion of Jade brought about immortality!!

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